
Foaming Hand Soap Recipe with Essential Oils

With two kiddos, a work from home job, and a constantly busy schedule, I am always on the lookout for ways to improve and streamline where possible. This week I hit the jackpot with several of our homemade household products. I like to make our foaming hand soap, toothpaste, and deodorant to name a few, but I wanted to share the hand soap recipe that I made this week because I’ve tried lots of DIY recipes and this is my favorite by far. It is seriously the easiest recipe I’ve made and works very well!

Foaming Hand Soap Recipe



  1. Fill pump bottle with filtered/distilled water, leaving enough empty room at the top that you can replace the pump lid without overflowing the bottle.
  2. Add about 2 tablespoons of castile soap and ½ teaspoon of fractionated coconut oil. (I bet other liquid oils would work too) I’ve noticed this makes the soap a little more “slick” on my hands and helps to keep from drying them out)
  3. Add about 10 drops of your favorite essential oils. I used 5 drops of lavender and 5 drops of tea tree.
  4. Put the lid on and flip the bottle over a few times gently to mix the ingredients.
  5. Enjoy!

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